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Executive Education

About us

The management of modern companies requires a very broad range of talents and skills, which can vary depending on the type of company, workplace, department or function. The aim of our executive education programs at the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics (UZH) is to do justice to this diversity and to recommend you for a “general management” position and thus a variety of different career paths.

The first Chair of Business Administration in the German-speaking world was established at UZH back in 1903. In 1962, Hans P. Künzi, then Professor of Process Engineering, put the University's first computer into operation and founded the Computer Center: the foundation stone for computer science at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics was laid. Executive Education at UZH has a unique constellation: our organization combines interdisciplinary knowledge from the fields of management, economics, banking & finance, informatics and computer science.

The first intake of the continuing education course “Management Weiterbildung” started more than 35 years ago. In 2001, this program culminated in what is now known as the Executive MBA. The learning content was and is based on current challenges and is entirely modular in design. Our participants enjoy flexibility when it comes to choice of modules, i.e., content from other executive education programs can be elected.



Executive Committee

The Business Administration Executive Committee is responsible for the academic management of the program and consists of the following persons:

  •   Prof. Dr. Alexander F. Wagner (President), Professor of Finance, Vice Dean of Continuing Education and Alumni
  •   Prof. Hui Chen, PhD, Professor of Accounting
  •   Julie Fitzgerald, PwC Switzerland
  •   Prof. Dr. Jochen Menges, Professor of HRM and Leadership
  •   Dr. Christian Müller, Partners for Sports GmbH
  •   Amelia Räss-Fernandez, self-employed
  •   Marcel Rohrer, BDO AG
  •   Prof. Dr. Christian Ruff, Professor of Neuroeconomics and Decision Neuroscience

Our Partners

We are proud to work with a number of renowned organizations that help us to achieve the best possible educational success for our participants. Our partners help us to prepare managers for the challenges of the modern business world.

Swiss Business Women

Wirtschaftsfrauen is the voice of women executives and entrepreneurs in Switzerland. We have a dense network of individual members, corporate members and cooperation partners. The association sees itself as a competence and service center and offers an attractive hub for companies and institutions that want to specifically promote women and use the potential of female leadership skills.

We organize events at national and local level where participants and companies can network and obtain information on business and career topics.

Verband Wirtschaftsfrauen Schweiz - Willkommen (

Swiss Management Association

Through its practical events on the topics of best practice and leadership excellence, the Swiss Management Association (SMG) serves as a source of inspiration for entrepreneurs, C-level managers and board members.

EMBA Council

The academic association that represents the Executive MBA (EMBA) industry, the Executive MBA Council (EMBAC) advances the cause of EMBA Programs by serving as a facilitator of best practice sharing and knowledge dissemination, and fostering an inclusive and diverse community among high-quality programs.

«Zurich is a centre of the global financial industry, is a place of innovation and a unique ecosystem where leading companies and universities exchange and inspire each other. As a member of the League of European Research Universities (LERU) and with its 12 Nobel Prize winners to date, the University of Zurich is one of the world's leading universities. Sounds elitist? As researchers and lecturers, we are always learners ourselves and share this questioning path with curious people of all backgrounds. That's why it's worth going on the path with us.» 

Prof. Dr. Alexander F. Wagner, Associate Dean and Chairman Executive Education; Professor for Finance and Swiss Finance Institute Senior Chair

Weiterführende Informationen

Diverse Methodologies.

In our training programs you will find modular, hybrid and also classic, presentation-based approaches, because our methodology is geared to the needs of the participants and the different learning contents. So you'll find exactly the training format that meets your needs. And fits into the agenda.

Joy of Learning.

Continuing education can be so much more than chasing the next diploma. In a university setting, you will meet people who are passionate about their topics and issues, as lecturers, researchers and also lifelong learners. It is this joy of learning that will shape your continuing education even more than the content.

Research Quality.

The University of Zurich is one of the world's leading research locations, especially in economics. Our continuing education programs also benefit from this proximity to research. Current results from ongoing research enter into a constant dialogue with questions from practice, thus ensuring the relevance of the learning content.