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During the recent graduation ceremony of the Executive MBA University of Zurich we celebrated the success of our graduates and particularly the achievements of our outstanding EMBA students who won the „Best overall Student“ and „Most Innovative Thesis“ awards.
“Best overall Student” Awards
In the Executive MBA UZH with Focus on Digital Transformation the “Best overall Student” award went to Michael Schümperli, Senior Manager Development at Roche Diagnostics International AG.
Michael said “The EMBA with focus on Digital Transformation was a superb experience. The lectures and discussions with professors and classmates provided excellent learnings and insights. But more importantly, getting to know fantastic people and expanding the network, making friends, and forming ties is what this EMBA is great for. After all, we worked and lived through an intense period of our lives together, exploring the world inside and outside of classrooms and around the planet.”
The award for the “Best overall Student” in the Executive MBA UZH with Focus on International Management went to Luca Arpagaus, Marketing and Sales Manager at ABB.
Luca said “The EMBA Program was a great addition to my job with interesting new insights and learnings in economics, management, and leadership. I valued the intensive collaboration and sharing of experiences with my fellow students to further grow professionally and personally.”
„Most Innovative Thesis“ Awards
The next award category “Most Innovative Thesis” is every year evaluated by the EMBA UZH Alumni Organization and was conferred during the graduation celebrations by Anna-Barbara Schlüer Member of the EMBA UZH Alumni Board.
This year the award in the Executive MBA UZH with Focus on International Management went to the team of – Piroska Herpai, Administrator at NGN Research Center University of Zurich and Christoph Amstad, Vice Director at Obwaldner Kantonalbank. The team won the award for their thesis on how to create a working atmosphere that is characterized by a value-oriented corporate culture, in which people interact harmoniously and work together successfully supervised by Prof. Dr. Jochen Menges.
The team said “It was an honor for us to receive the “Most Innovative Thesis award” from the Alumni Organization of the University of Zurich this year. Our master’s thesis, entitled “Increased Company Success through Improved Cooperation (Synchronicity) among Employees”, demonstrated how an innovative and sustainable approach can enhance employee performance, and consequently the company’s success.”
Read the full article and the Laudation of the Innovation Award here:
In the Executive MBA UZH with Focus on Digital Transformation the award “Most Innovative Thesis” went to the team of Tamara Hofer, Head of Artificial Intelligence at CSS, Michael Schümperli, Senior Manager Development at Roche Diagnostics International AG and Stephan Zumbühl, Software Engineering Manager at Digitec Galaxus AG. The team received the award for their thesis on creating a framework which indicates collaboration success and helps identify in which dimensions shaping may be advisable to successfully cooperate. The thesis was supervised by Prof. Dr. Michael Hilb.
The team said “For us, the EMBA in general and the work on our Master Thesis in particular was an amazing journey crowned by this award. Our success was made possible by critical insights into digital transformation and innovation gained in lectures and study trips and especially by the expert guidance of our supervisor, Prof. Michael Hilb. A big thank you goes to the board of the Alumni Organization for rewarding our efforts and to our classmates for their smart suggestions, moral support and the fun times that we shared with each other. As our thesis shows, collaboration of different parties with unique perspectives and different capabilities can lead to great innovation.”
Congratulations to all graduates and the award winners for their exceptional achievements!
Read the full article and the Laudation of the Innovation Award here: